Under a recent ruling (8 December 2022, RG n°19/11225), the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal recalled that an author’s moral rights on a work affixed to a building might face limitations. In this particular case, in 1997, Saint-Georges-d’Orques ... read more
Does paying one of the bills addressed to a subsidiary commit a parent company to pay other unpaid bills? Under the patrimonial autonomy of corporations principle, the simple fact that one company controls another does not mean that it can be legally ... read more
On 23 November 2022, the French Court of Cassation decided that, under certain conditions, the time mobile workers spend travelling from home to work and work to home may be considered actual work time. In this case, the Court overturned the previous ... read more
The transfer of the usufruct of shares does not constitute the transfer of shares. Our Tax team reviews the Court of Cassation’s decision of 30 November 2022. In its decision of November 30th 2022, the French Court of Cassation (Cass. Com. 30 November ... read more
The time people devote to work is a concern that lawmakers regularly examine. Since the start of the 19th century, a large number of laws have been passed to regulate working time. A first attempt at implementing the four-day working week paid the same as a ... read more
In its decision of 16 November 2022, the French Conseil d’Etat (Council of State) ruled that the option of conversion into shares of OCAs (convertible bonds) subscribed to by the sole shareholder of a foreign subsidiary does not substantiate a payment ... read more
The epic legal battle opposing Frida Kahlo’s legal beneficiaries to the Frida Kahlo Corporation, the company that has marketed visuals using the painter’s effigy since 2004, continues! Our Intellectual Property team reviews these latest ... read more
When a married person becomes a shareholder, their spouse’s rights in respect of their securities vary depending on the type of company. Our Corporate team reviews the different cases, and in particular the last Court of Cassation decision of 21 ... read more
Given rising consumer prices, in particular energy prices, several emergency measures have been proposed to limit the impact of inflation. The “Purchasing Power” Law (Law n°2022-1158 of August 16) was adopted by the French Parliament on August ... read more
On Monday, 26 September, Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, Finance, and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, and Gabriel Attal, Minister of Public Accounts, presented the 2023 Finance Bill. Our Tax team reviews the measures individuals and ... read more
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